Where are the quarantines?


I see this all over the state. The job was installed less than two weeks ago. The farmers are scrambling to get rid of their inventory.

Our inspector said you had a special program inspecting these fields? That is wonderful! Thank you!

I have a couple of questions:

Will the nursery registration number be available to the ag stations so the trees do not pass?

When a field gets quarantined are the farmers able to ship the trees if they are not going through the ag stations?

When a field gets quarantined are they allowed to ship other palms besides Phoenix?

What are the repercussions of shipping quarantined trees? Is there any kind of liability for shipping infected trees?

Is there a certain percentage of infected trees allowed with no quarantine?

Are the names of the nurseries that are quarantined available to the Landscapers purchasing trees?

Will there be any liability put on the Landscapers for installing infected trees and introducing to surrounding trees?

Our inspector also told me that if a tree gets ID within 1 mile of a nursery the nursery will get quarantined also. If the nursery does not have TPPD will the quarantine stay in effect?

If the nursery is injecting and spraying routinely does the quarantine stay? Is there some type of protocol that the farmers can follow? Removal of visibly infected trees will not help.

Most farmers do not know the visible signs.

The big question.. Is there any help from the USDA/FSA to compensate the farmers to keep their field clean? The cost to remove some of these trees would put the farmer out of business. Some fields have thousands of trees that need to be destroyed. I am assuming the TAP program, but that still cost the farmer money. Some may have crop insurance but not likely.

Would there be some type of Grant available to inject the palms with OTC and imidacloprid? There are trials being done now. The longevity of this program is having positive results. Not only would it save the Phoenix, in the long run the occurrence Sabals would lessen. It would be impossible to treat the 6000000 Sabal in the state, some areas losing 10-20% of these also. Perhaps the Sabal suppliers should be required to inject also. Are they getting inspected as well?

As far as I know the vector still has not been positively identified. Is there more research money involved now? Is there a way to get the water management and the Native societies involved? The Sabal palm is the "Tree of Life" when it comes to our wetlands.

Thanks for time.

If you could respond to email this week that would be great, If there are other agencies I can forward this to I would greatly appreciate your input.

Tracie Mason