I have spent the last decade doing what I can to research and spread the word about Lethal Bronzing (formerly Texas Phoenix Palm Decline).
This disease doesn't just impact landscape or our wallets but the very livelihood of all of Florida. Sabal palms hold together Florida's wetlands and losing them to this disease would impact everything from tourism to the deer that feed off the fruit.
Unfortunately, only now has it begun to get any real attention from the industry and news outlets.
It will take us all, working together, to make a difference and prevent the impact of this disease from changing the landscape and financial stability of Florida for decades to come.
Please read and watch below, what I have spent years researching and collecting. I am not here to make money off this disease, I am just trying to safeguard the future of Florida's landscape and the future of the ever increasing list of palm trees that Lethal Bronzing is endangering.
Check back for more often, we will keep uploading our content as we can.
For more info, email or call tracie@sunscapeinc.com or 813-855-2121
Injection rates for Lethal Bronzing Defense
The following rates were developed specifically for Sylvesters. Palms with larger or smaller trunks should use adjusted rates.